If being a disciple of YAHUSHA is about being rich, being healthy, having everything around you working in perfect harmony for you, or living till you see ur 4th generation then I will reject it without having a second thought because is not true and whoever lives in reality, knows that disaster of various forms befalls everyone on this planet. Whether you believe in One True YAH and the messiah YAHUSHA or you don’t.

Being a true disciple of YAHUSHA is about following in the footsteps of our Saviour- Yahushua Hamashiach. Whatever happens, as you follow this way is entirely YAH’s will. He might call you home when you are 10years, 20 years, 30 years or 100 years old. It doesn’t matter. You might be sick or healthy.

He might cure you or give you the grace to follow Him in your sickness. You might be married or unmarried. Rich or poor, a graduate or not.

The most important thing is that you keep carrying whichever cross you are given and come after YAHUSHA who is the Master.

There are lots of things that cannot fit into the narrow way that you will carry this cross and come after YAHUSHA: Greed, wickedness, hatred, unforgiving hearts, pride, unrighteous means of making a living, lying, sexual immoralities – adultery, fornication, prostitution – female or male, homosexualities, bestialities and masturbations cannot come this narrow way.

Wearing tight clothes hugged to your body with all body lines and contours showing is not allowed, walking naked to show your 6 or 12 packs is disallowed too, worship of yourself or idols, selfishness, having charms and still calling on YAH is not allowed on this path, ritualists cannot fit in too, fraud/yahoo or 419 is forbidden.

Drug dealing, murder, embezzlement, bribery and all forms of corruption cannot fit in this path, dealing in fake and expired drugs cannot fit in, everything that stands against true Love for YAHUAH our Elohim and love for Man can never fit into the narrow part. So as we can see, the way of YAHUSHA is not the “easy” way. Only very few people are on this path. You must be set apart by RUACH HAQADASH before this path becomes easy for you to walk.

Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter by the narrow gate, since the road that leads to destruction, is wide and spacious, and many take it, but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it”.

Repent and become a born again(receive the Holy spirit of YAHUAH) and live according to the commandments of YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH. You will never enter next life with money but only your soul. Money is good if made in righteous ways and used to acquire treasures in heaven by using it to help others and promoting ELOHIYM’S kingdom on earth. Eternity in YAHUSHA is the best.

The set apart Spirit of YAHUAH – RUACH HAQADASH is always there to help us navigate this path that leads to Eternal life if we repent and ask the Father to give us, and cooperate with Him.

In conclusion, my dear ones, Following YAHUSHA doesn’t mean all your desires and dreams will come true, it means that YAHUAH’S Perfect WILL is going to happen in your life. You may not like it or find it easy, after all, our Messiah YAHUSHA, never found it easy but accepted the WILL of His Father and embraced it with Love and the result is Redemption for Mankind.

May YAHUAH grant us His Holy Spirit to help us get into the narrow path that leads to Eternal Life and help us to ever remain in this path till we reach our Eternal home in Paradise.

