Possessing the fruit of the RUACH HAQADASH(Holy Spirit of YAHUAH) is the signal of spiritual maturity of a disciple of YAHUSHA or if you like you can say the disciple who is a student of YAHUSHA has finally graduated.

Gal 5:22 to 26.

“But the fruit of the RUACH is LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, TRUTHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF-CONTROL; no law can touch such things as these.

And they that are YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH’S have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

If we live in the RUACH, let us also walk in the RUACH. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another”.

Let us check ourselves thoroughly. You can heal, prophesy, and see visions but if you lack love and other good fruit of the RUACH, you are yet to start. You are still not mature in spirit and must pray to Holy Spirit of YAHUAH to grant you these spiritual gems.

Our words, thoughts, and actions define who we really are. Following YAHUSHA is not Saturday or  Sunday holiness or observations of religious rituals and feasts. It is about imitating MASHIACH in all areas of our lives. Is not about saying Amen or typing Amen or saying, YAHUSHA I love u, is about proving our love for YAHUSHA by obeying His commandments.

The true disciple is one whose life synchronizes daily with the teachings of His Master YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH. Such a disciple observes the commands of our Messiah YAHUSHA, regardless of place or time. Such disciple will not have two kinds of wardrobe like most so called believers do today. Some are naked from Monday to Friday, and then by Saturday or Sunday, they wear long gowns. This is hypocrisy in action. YAH’S presence is not limited in the temple alone. He is a spirit and is everywhere.

Following YAHUSHA is a way of life. Is a style of life that those who follow HIM must adhere to every day of their lives here on earth if they want to be with HIM in eternity. So every disciple must work hard and cooperate with the grace of YAH so that His Holy Spirit will sanctify the disciple and the result will be being a true ambassador of YAHUSHA in all his or her endeavours.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit of YAHUAH to help us to become true disciples of YAHUSHA every minute of our lives. Since we have decided to become students of MASHIACH, let us work hard to keep progressing and not remain in one class or keep repeating a class. That will mean abysmal failure and such a student that keep repeating class definitely will not graduate and runs the risk of being expelled from the school.

May YAH grant us the grace to do His will.
