No Compromise

“There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom; their laws are different from those of all other people and they do not observe the king’s laws, so it is not in the king’s interest to let them remain.” Esther 3:8 NASB

The very presence of Jews irritated Haman. In particular, this leader of Persia was repulsed by one person: Mordecai. Others would bow before Haman but Mordecai refused. When asked why he responded that “he was a Jew.” He was a man of principle. He believed in YAHUAH ELOHIYM (God) and obeyed His laws. He could not change to appease a politician or conform to the crowd.

When he learned of Mordecai’s response, “Haman was filled with rage.” But, instead of just acting against Mordecai, he decided “to destroy all the Jews,” Mordecai’s people. He gained the king’s approval for this evil plan, arguing that these people were “different.” They would not conform and “do not observe the king’s laws.” For the good of the kingdom, Haman felt that they all had to be eliminated.

Haman put this plan into action, and all Jews faced elimination. But YAHUAH (God) intervened. Esther, who miraculously had become the nation’s queen, followed the advice of Mordecai (who was her cousin) and convinced Ahasuerus to let the Jews defend themselves. Haman’s plans were foiled and Mordecai was promoted to a position of honour. This deliverance is still celebrated by Jews on the feast of Purim till today.

Throughout history, many have been like Haman. They are Obsessed with pride and power, Hating YAHUAH’s people and His Word and desiring to eliminate anyone who believes in Him. They are irritated when we proclaim that there is just one ELOHIYM, One truth and one way to salvation (John 14:6).

Today, ask YAHUAH to help you stand firm and resist any pressure to conform. Never compromise the truth. Be bold in your faith, confident that He is with you. You can depend on Him.

Let us Pray;
Father, I dedicate my life to you. I seek first Your Kingdom. Help me to be bold and strong in spirit. Thank You for Your protection and favour in the name of YAHUSHA our Messiah.