How do we help our youths combat this evil trade of peddling illicit drugs? The prison cells are filled in the UK and all over the world with the youths serving years for illicit drug-related offenses when they should rather be in gainful employment, being productive for both themselves and the country.

Why can’t we stop praising illicit drug dealers and frown at them seriously to send them the signal of non-acceptance and discourage others from joining the evil trade?

Why are we no more celebrating talented and hardworking people but celebrating evil and unrighteousness in the name of financial success? Why should parent(s) be enjoying the wealth of their children without first asking them, what do you do for a living? Which business are you into or which services do you offer? Which company are you working for or how did you make it so big and fast?

Why are siblings, parents, uncles, aunts, and the general public so wicked by not advising people who are into this evil business to stay away but instead accepting their money and even demanding for more? By asking for money from them and praising them are we not encouraging them?

They destroy lives of others and end up destroying their lives too. They are imprisoned, killed in gang-related wars and some executed by governments that have placed capital punishment for the crime. How can you claim to Love people when the above-named evils stand to happen to them yet you do not warn them to quit? All you want is money from them and that’s all. Is that not wickedness?

Let us help the youths and even the older people caught up in this illicit drug business to realize that hardwork pays. Illicit drugs destroy lives of those who use it, including their families, friends, and relatives. It also affects innocent people in the society who are victims of illicit drug-related crimes. The society as a whole is deeply affected negatively.

A man who was high on illicit drugs drove into a happy family on their way home after nice meal outside, killing himself, the father and breadwinner of a happy family. Now tell me if the supplier of this illicit drug had no hand in the death of the illicit drug user who killed himself and destroyed a family in just a twinkle of an eye and caused heartache to friends and loved ones. This is just one out of many horrible tales that goes with this evil trade.

Our youths are fast being recruited into the illicit drug trade and like wildfire, it has engulfed our communities and the whole society at large. Like cancer, it is spreading everywhere and the worst is that people are now so proud doing it without qualms and we all are praising them directly and indirectly by hailing and praising them and by our wicked silence. We also endorse them by accepting money from them as a group or as an individual when we clearly know how they got it.

We are on this campaign because this evil business which affects innocent and law abiding people has become acceptable consciously and unconsciously in our society. We cannot stay and fold our hands and shut our mouths and claim not to notice what is going on. Such silence and inaction amount to supporting the evil business.

Our Messiah and Saviour is calling you today to sit down and have a rethink and retreat from hurting and destroying lives. You can come out and repent or you can remain in it saying, “God has blessed me”. God has no hand in evil. Any unrighteous way of making a living has got nothing to do with God. He is just being merciful and waiting for you to repent. One day you will give the account of your evil deeds. What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? (Mark 8:36). The wages of sin is eternal death… Romans 6:23.

Do not be comfortable committing sin or living in it. It will destroy you sooner or later. God will welcome you if you can repent and renounce your bad ways. Don’t wait for long. The clock is ticking away. You might run out of time if you do not take the decision right now. In case you do not know, the foundation of unrighteousness will never stand. So come out and embrace righteousness in the messiah.

Father in Heaven, I pray that you grant those involved in this evil trade the grace to pull out and seek your face. I pray you to break every link that wants to drag more people into this evil trade father, so that righteousness will be enthroned among your people and that glory will be given to you alone, always and everywhere in the name of your Son YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH.

By Evangelist Simon Chinedu Okeke.

Founder and President,

True Disciples Of Christ Ministries, UK.

Phone lines: 01707 698355, +44(0) 7478188233, +44(0) 7419071192, 002348035044364.



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